The following is a selection of unpublished talks and writings by Dr. Willam O. Baker. The originals are in the collection of his papers at Princeton University as the William O. Baker Papers, Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton University Library; and are reproduced here with permisison. The papers were scanned into computer form by Prof. A. Michael Noll (with the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation).

Date Title
April 2000 On the Occasion of the Presentation of the Benjamin Franklin Medal American Philosophical Society Acceptance remarks, including reference to the foundation of the "information age."
February 12, 1998 Response to the New Jersey Inventors Hall of Fame Designation NJ Inventors Hall of Fame Acceptance remarks, including reference to WOB's early work at Bell Labs in materials.
1993 Notes on Science Advising in the White House Manuscript published in: William T. Golden (ed), Science and technology advice to the president..., AAAS Press, 1993. Favors decentraliztion of advice.
May 13, 1993 Association of Governing Boards Trenton, NJ Discussion of moral decay in the US and its effects on government.
October 1992 The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Dinner in Honor of Ken Herr University Club, New York City Classic example of WOB honoring others, but also good background on the history of the Mellon Foundation.
April 1992 Notes on Educational Reform Unknown Discusses problems of education and the need for knowledge of mathematics and science.
November 7, 1991 Science and Learning for All Americans American Philosophical Society Reviews WOB's past efforts to focus attention on illiteracy in education.
April 15, 1991 Issues Relating to the Rockefeller University Rockefeller University Trustees Discussion of broad issues of the media and the culture of science and technology.
September 12, 1990 Comments for Trustees Dinner Rockefeller University Review of history of Rockefeller University and the role of its trustees.
1990 Future Higher Educational Issues: Trends in Science and Technology Written as a background report to the Association of Governing Boards An extremely exhaustive report on higher education in the united States, calling for an increased emphasis on science, technology, and mathematics, along with new ways of educating.
January 1988 Excellence in Research Centennial Lecture at Arizona State University Describes factors that stimulate excellence in industrial research.
December 10, 1987 National Materials Advancement Award Washington, DC Acceptance remarks, outlining many advances in materials science.
October 1987 The Technological Revolution: America's Place CSIS Leadership Forum Discusses "science for the people," the importance of learning and education, and human resources for the information age.
May 6, 1987 Science and the City and the City in Science New York City Science and Technology Week Describes the role of New York City in science over the years.
1987 Scientific and Technologic Impacts on Industrial Life Related to Democracy and Development Unknown Discusses effects of information age on industry and illiteracy.
1986 Oncoming Roles of Modern Science and Technology in Crisis Generation and Resolution World Future Society, Washington, DC Describes the influence of communications and information handling on crises, referencing work at Bell Labs.
October 25, 1985 Advancing Materials Research and Development National Academy of Science Materials Symposium Review of material science in the second half of the 20th century.
May 3, 1984 Comments Security Affairs Support Association Meeting Applauds the work by the intelligence community in defending the security of the United States.
February 22, 1984 Reconsideration of the Public Purposes of Science and Technology Unknown Overview of history and application of science to public purposes, ranging from materials science to computing and automata.
February 10,1982 SIPI Talk Scientists' Institute for Public Information Discusses the need to inform the public about science and technology.
May 21, 1981 The People's Science (Vannevar Bush Award) National Science Board Annual Dinner, Washington, DC Acceptance remarks, outlining the linkages of science and technology with the public.
December 9, 1980 Remarks First Annual New Jersey Science and Technology Medal Dinner Reviews the many developments in science and technology in New Jersey.
May 12, 1978 Influence of Future Technology on Intelligence for U. S. National Security Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Washington DC Reviews the accomplishments of science and technology in national security.
December 3, 1976 National Initiatives in Science and Technology: Role of Chemistry Charles Lathrop Parson Award of the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC Acceptance remarks, reviewing accomplishments and challenges for chemistry research and applauding pluralism in research.
June 12, 1976 Reality and Illusion Graduation Convocation at the Technological Institute at Northwestern University Discusses how knowledge separates illusion from reality, and how communication and the organization of information is required.
March 8, 1976 Opportunities and Constraints in Food and Nutrition Rockefeller University 75th Anniversary Symposium: Panel on Science and Technology for World Problems Reviews specific opportunities in such areas as biomedical sciences, food systems, medicine, and the physical sciences and engineering.
July 31, 1974 Statement Statement on behalf of AT&T before the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly hearings on S. 1167 Industrial Reorganization Act A sweeping review of the accomplishments of Bell Labs and its role in the Bell System as a defense of vertical integration.
February 12, 1974 Interaction Today and Tomorrow Talk at St. Elizabeth’s College, NJ A very broad and powerful call to support private liberal education, along with the need of the education of women and the feminine view.
January 11, 1974 Remarks Talk at a Bell Laboratories' Cabinet Meeting at the Plaza Hotel in New York City Expresses a philosophy in managing R&D at Bell Labs, emphasizing the importance of individuals. Also discusses the future challenges facing the Bell System, AT&T, and Bell Labs.
October 18, 1973 Scientific Societies and Public Purposes 50th Anniversary of Akron Section of the American Chemical Society, Akron, OH Reviews role of Akron in chemistry, citing rubber, Goodyear, and polymer science.
September 20, 1973 Science and Technology for Mind and Matter Acceptance remarks for the Industrial Research Award, Chicago IL A broad review of science and technology from the Bronze Age to microelectronics, including the role of industrial research.
April 23, 1973 Recent Federal Science Policies American Physical Society meeting, Washington, DC A review of White House science advice from its beginnings with President Eisenhower to its restructuring under President Nixon.
November 13, 1969 Scientific Research and Humanistic Learning Dedication of the Materials Building at Pennsylvania State University Discourse on the effects of scientific research on the human spirit and mind.
October 11, 1968 The Action Is With People And Knowledge Machines Commemorative Lecture at Drew University, Madison, NJ. A magnificent Utopian view of digital computers in society for the benefit f science and people, with considerable evidence from research at Bell labs.
May 31, 1966 Testimony Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC Describes the essential role and accomplishments of R&D to the Bell System
April 16, 1962 Interdisciplinarianism - In and Out of School ARPA - University of Pennsylvania Discussion of the issues of compartmentalism and disciplinarianism in the physical sciences.
September 4-5, 1957 Role of Administration in Stimulating Basic Research Unknown Discusses a philosophy for managing basic research.
Unknown Science and Industry: Pacing the Payoff Possibly the Conference Board Discusses R&D and the challenges of science compared to technology.